Tips for Creating a Home Inventory
Should you ever have to make a homeowners insurance claim, a home inventory list will greatly speed up the process. Homes contain an enormous collection of personal belongings, as you may have appreciated when boxing them during a move. Imagine trying to create such a list from memory. Very few people could do it. That’s why creating a home inventory list is recommended.
Use a Camera or Video Recorder
A picture is worth a thousand words and pressing a button is easier than writing down detailed descriptions. This should be done room by room. Remember to include items attached to walls and ceilings. Take close ups of serial numbers and other identifying information. For relatively inexpensive items, take group shots.
Write Down Information
While taking photos, write down what the item is and record serial numbers, quantities, purchase dates and prices. A notebook will do but a portable computer such as a tablet will allow you to make the record in digital format.
Break Up the Job into Smaller Tasks
Unless you have the time and feel very energetic, don’t try to do the entire house at once. A logical way to approach the task is to break it down into smaller tasks lasting between thirty and sixty minutes at a time. Schedule these tasks once a week or daily, whichever you are comfortable with. Chunking the task down prevents procrastination which often happens when confronted by a huge undertaking. Smaller tasks take less time and are easily assimilated into our routine.
Keep Your Inventory Outside Your Home
To prevent your inventory from being destroyed in the event that damaged or caused the loss of your home, it should be stored in a safe location outside your home. This is where the advantage of keeping a digital record comes into play. There are many secure file storage facilities available online. The storage should be private and password protected. Physical records should be kept in a safe place, such as a bank safe deposit box.
Set aside the time on your calendar for your daily or weekly inventory recording sessions and stick to it until you are finished. Remember to keep it updated when new items are purchased or when old items are thrown out. If you should ever have to make a claim, your inventory record will make the process go much more smoothly.
Get peace of mind today. Call McDonald Insurance Group at 303-957-1742 for more information on Littleton home insurance.